Discover the natural beauty of the Lima Valley with Rockonda’s guides.
Activity description: Rockonda Canyoning Adventure SSD organises explorations of the Lima and Serchio rivers for schools throughout Tuscany, from primary to high school. The routes are proposed on the basis of the interest of the class and teachers to work mainly on collaboration and group integration, or on environmental topics. The descent along the torrent allows direct appreciation of the environmental value of watercourses, from a historical point of view for the economy of the Apennine valleys and from the point of view of the balance of ecosystems. The beauty of the glimpses drawn in the rock by the waters, their transparency, and the lush nature enrapture the gaze of those who cross the stream on board a Raft, and are direct testimony to the continuous cycle of life. The descent thus becomes an unforgettable learning experience in absolute safety, through evocative natural landscapes and a succession of exciting rapids.

Development of socialisation and interpersonal relationships, control of one’s emotionality, sensory perception in fluvial and unstable environments, individual motor skills and balance.

Knowledge of the geomorphological aspects and dynamics of a river karst system, the forms of anthropisation and exploitation by man over the centuries, the forms of economy developed on the river, flooding, banks and their transformation at the hands of man.

Knowledge of the countless historical testimonies present in the Lima Valley and awareness of the fragility of the river ecosystem, respect for and protection of the torrent and water resource, regulations on accompanying in the natural environment.

Our guides are MIUR-certified and can therefore be a valuable support for teachers who decide to organise school activities in collaboration with Rockonda.

Adrenaline in the heart of Tuscany

When your path is the river

An adventure between dips and jumps

Treat yourself to an experience of adventure away from the crowds

The Lima torrent, in the centre of Tuscany, has designed a wonderful valley to be explored. For a complete, exciting and adrenalin-filled experience, one day is definitely not enough. If you want to experience a holiday of water sports and activities in contact with nature, you can plan a longer stay at our holiday home.

pristine rivers and breathtaking landscapes in the heart of the Lima Valley.
Total relax
stay at our holiday home for a longer break
Passion for the outdoors, river trekking and picturesque trails
book your stay in our holiday home